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Our products have directly impacted well over 100,000 customers in 132 countries around the world and counting!

Over 127,000 lives impacted

A proven track record

This business system was developed over 10 years ago & embodies a global community of like minded men and women who are passionate about assisting individuals with the teachings of our proven business system and Personal Growth principles. 

"After chasing the Career Promotions & another Degree, to get that edge over other Job Seekers, I hit burnout. When I found this business everything changed - I feel on purpose, stronger & motivated. I love the products, the community & now I know the only competition is within myself. I work part time, I have full flexibility, I'm present with my family & run a successful business. What a great gift!" ~ Daymir Castillo, Germany

Daymir Castillo

I'm previously from the UK, currently living in Brisbane & prior to joining this business, I was a HR Director of a large company, and ran my own consulting firm. I was looking for time freedom, the ability to still make a difference and to replace my executive salary. This business has ticked all my boxes and a whole lot more. I certainly have the time freedom, the products have changed my life, mostly by showing me how to be comfortable in my own skin and giving me the inner peace I so longed for, the support and community were the greatest surprise and I have now replaced my executive level income & created a lifestyle that is much more enjoyable. - Julie Spring, Brisbane Australia

Julie Spring

+44 07956 315 737




and for people who just want the best life possible, 

doing the things they love 

where and when 

they want.

Copyright © 2022
All rights reserved and other such important stuff.

Now Expanding Globally

Margaret Islin


Hi, I’m Margaret, and welcome to my website.  I feel so very grateful to be able to run my own business within the Personal Development Industry. 

I live in the UK, in Essex, but I grew up in the USA.  I went to high school there and one year of university.  I returned to the UK when I was 19 and studied at the Cordon Bleu and became a chef. I have two grown up children and I live with my partner Simon in a small village.

I’ve always loved traveling, so to have come across a business opportunity that would allow me to work anywhere has been a dream come true.  My family live all over the world so I can visit them and work at the same time.  

I’ve been a believer in personal development for a long time, so now having a business working with other like minded men and women is really exciting.  The people I’ve met along the way also want to create a life of freedom and flexibility, which is exactly what this opportunity gives you. 

Flexibility and life choices are what most people want and if that’s you, you are in the right place.

My two beautiful sisters who died too young.  I can feel them around me spurring me on to live my best life. I'm living my life for the three of us. 

This is me braving the sea in the UK.  Spent a lot of time visiting lots of wonderful places around our beautiful country.

Hiking in Vogrie Country Park, Edinburgh - that was a tough walk!

Who doesn't love a bit of Autumn?

THE CHALLENGE THAT BROUGHT ME HERE: After working from home for twenty months during lock down, the company I worked for, wanted everyone to go back into the office.  I didn't understand why and though I spoke to my boss about it, he was clear that he wanted everyone in the same place.  Though Covid was a terrible time, I had become accustomed to being at home and I knew that I didn’t want to return to the pre pandemic commute. 

I also had some family tragedies which forced me to re-evaluate.  When terrible things happen, you can either sink into a hole of despair and tell yourself that it’s not fair, or you pick yourself up and be determined to make a difference.  I learned that life is not fair, but life is also what you make it.  I wanted to turn the sadness around and make it into something positive.  I was not going to live a mediocre life any more, so something had to change. 

THE PROBLEM WITH SETTING UP ON YOUR OWN: I set myself up as a Virtual Assistant and though this gave me freedom to work from home, I was still exchanging hours for money. I knew there was a better way so I began to search……..

LOOKING FOR WORKING FROM HOME OPPORTUNITIES, I came across a personal development business.  The Advert I saw spoke to me so clearly, it was as if they were speaking directly to me.  I did not hesitate to get in touch and I’m so very glad that I did.  One of the most beautiful things about this business is that you do not have to keep reinventing the wheel.  Normally, when you set up your own business there is so much to consider, but with this, YOU LITERALLY FOLLOW THE PLAN.  There is so much training and support, and honestly, they are the friendliest group of people I have ever worked with.  Right from the start, I felt as though I had discovered something amazing. 

Margaret Islin

Let's first hear from Julie Spring, a senior leader in the organisation

"It’s hard to put in just a few words what this business has done for my family and me since joining. The products have changed us all and how we live our life. I am a better mom, wife, and person. I stopped smoking and found my badass self which was lost for many years. I love this business and everything about it". - Maital David Katar , Portugal

Maital David Katar 

I came to this business solely for the income opportunity. Leaving a successful leadership career in the UK restaurant trade, I’d started my own coaching practice but was still trading time for money and I knew I had to find a way to work smarter not harder. What I hadn’t counted on was the opportunity to join an amazing & supportive community, the personal growth journey I would be on, and the opportunity to help others achieve their potential. The income is a bonus! - Tania Brint, UK

Tania Brint